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Celebrating Broken Barriers, While Remembering What’s Still to Be Done

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At Media.Monks, we celebrate Women’s History Month to not only give praise to women's incredible achievements, but also remind ourselves how much work is left to be done to realize gender equality and the rights of women and girls around the world—and this also goes for our industry. Throughout March and beyond, we aim to inspire our community of 9,000+ people to use their voice for good by sharing experiences and telling stories that uplift and push us forward.

As our company continues to grow, we strive to strengthen our commitment to our diverse global workforce. We are excited to celebrate Women’s History Month and share resources to further our learning and foster connectivity in our community. In light of this, we have asked a number of women from across our organization and around the world to share what Women’s History Month means to them, along with the people and moments that have inspired them throughout their lives and careers. But first, let’s take a moment to recognize how the month came to be.

It all started when 15,000 women marched the streets of lower Manhattan to protest against the working conditions of the garment industry, demanding more economic and political rights. The social protest, which led to a three-month strike, was commemorated one year after the event on February 28, 1909, marking the first Women’s History Day in New York City. Decades later, Women’s History Month began as a week-long celebration in 1981 after Congress passed a resolution that requested the president to designate a week to celebrate the contributions women had made to the United States. In 1987, this week evolved into a full month to recognize the extraordinary achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields. 

Out of all of these incredible achievements—the right to education, the right to work, the right to bodily autonomy—one of the most groundbreaking has been women’s right to vote. On August 26, 1920, the 19th amendment was signed into law, granting women in the United States this crucial right. While this moment is considered a major victory, it’s important to highlight that a number of other laws at the time prohibited many minority groups from voting, including Native American women, Black women, Asian American women, and Latinx women. It wasn't even until 1924 that American-born Native women were granted citizenship and thereby the right to vote. Following the 19th amendment, the work to secure voting rights for each and every woman continued, and required the breaking down of many barriers until all women were finally able to vote in 1965.

Coinciding with Women’s History Month is International Women’s Day on March 8th. Though its roots trace back to as early as 1848 in the United States, this global day of celebration was only officially recognized by the United Nations in 1977—and the world has continued to honor this particular day ever since. This year, we celebrated International Women's Day with a series of local events as well as a global program which put a spotlight on many inspiring women from our organization to, as our Chief Marketing Officer Kate Richling highlights, “further our thinking and support our mission to embrace equity in the workplace.” To stay in tune with the 2023 theme of Women's History Month, which is Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories, “We’ve invited our wider team to submit questions and videos in advance to keep the conversation more dynamic and personal,” says Richling—and well, they came through. Continue reading to learn more about what Women’s History Month means to the diverse women of our global community.


Vanessa Starr, Influencer Manager 

Toronto, Canada

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

1 year.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

Women's History Month is a time to not just celebrate and be excited about all the accomplishments we've made as a community, but also to recognize all the areas that still need improvement and educate ourselves and others on them. To me, it represents a time to create an open discussion about equality!

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

She isn't a historical figure (yet!), but my stepmom has been my source of inspiration and goal setting for my entire life. She was the first of her family to go to college and quickly started working in HR for Liz Claiborne Canada. She's always worked very hard and made her way up the ladder to now being the first-ever female President of a data cable manufacturing company, while also opening up her own HR consulting firm on the side. Her drive to be that boss-lady inspires me to do the same, keep my head held high, be proud, and make sure I never feel knocked down by those who are envious of my success. 

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Kelsey Boyer, the founder of Women's Leadership Accelerator, is my mentor—both in my career and beyond! Nearly 2 years ago, I took her course for women who work in male-dominated environments and want to harness their skills to come out on top. I used to work in manufacturing and was surrounded by men who were very negative and tough to deal with. Her course and her coaching turned my career around and propelled my ability to manage a team and work equally alongside men (and women) of power. I could not recommend her enough! She's also on LinkedIn and shares amazing posts almost every day. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

You deserve a seat at the table. Younger women who are newer to their career tend to overcompensate in many ways merely to justify their “spot at the table”—but that’s not necessary. Show up with your hard work, creative ideas and enthusiasm. Being a powerhouse doesn't mean you need to ooze excess power over others (I've been guilty of this in the past!). Be firm in your thoughts, actions and ideas, though not aggressive, and this will take you very far.  

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to not internalize when figures of authority or power (predominantly men) give dry or condescending responses. I have spent so much energy overcompensating and being extra bubbly when I felt shut down by men giving short, dry responses and having a lack of positive energy. I've been able to save myself from burnout by matching the energy that surrounds me, whereas in the past I’d feel hurt and exhausted as a result of spending my energy and enthusiasm on people who didn't need it or care to reciprocate it. Save your passion and enthusiasm for a team that matches that energy. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Within the next 5 years I hope to see significant advancements in women's health. We still need permission from male partners to be able to make decisions on our reproductive choices. I would also like to see women's health taken more seriously and spoken about more openly on social media. This has significantly improved with platforms like TikTok, where women can (and do) share their experiences in healthcare—thereby helping other women feel comforted knowing they're not alone or even get the confidence needed to either get a second opinion or vouch for themselves to be taken seriously.


Paula Velandia, Head of Data US

Atlanta, Georgia

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

7 Months.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

It is a reminder of how powerful we are—our voice, our work, our achievements, our power to create and innovate! It is also a way to show the world how important equal pay is and that it must be considered in multiple scenarios

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Dolores Huerta.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

The writer Isabel Allende and the visual artist Elisa Insua. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

Be as independent as you can. Also, be curious and question everything.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Empathy, kindness and having fun in everything you do are key to succeeding.  

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

I hope to see a world where abortion is legal, pay is equal, and there is no more gender and race discrimination.


Tamika Johnson, Associate Director of Talent

Los Angeles, California

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

2.5 years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

Women have always played an essential role in shaping history. Our accomplishments are often ignored or erased. During WHM, we celebrate the women whose courage and intellect have pushed our society towards a more equal union—women like Constance Baker Motley, Jean Fairfax, Elaine Jones, Mary Hamilton, Katherine Carper Sawyer and Sheila Holt-Orsted. 

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Harriett Tubman.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Viola Davis.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Black girl, you are beautiful, you are magical, you are worthy, you are strong, you are who you are and no one will ever be like you. Love yourself, use your voice, protect your heart, and always move past the negative because as a Black woman, you are more than what anyone thinks or says.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Love yourself, being a young Black woman is unique and you have a story to tell. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Leadership in every part of the world, women's rights, equality and freedom.


Zamira Khamidova, Director of Data, NAMER

Toronto, Canada

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

Almost 15 years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

A time to celebrate the incredible work of amazing women who fight for equity and inclusion.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Viola Davis.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Anna Razumovskaya.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Don't be shy to show off your skills, even if you think you have them less than 100%. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Be more bold, you deserve what you are asking for!

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

More women at the leadership or board level. At the moment, there is still disparity there.


Zumzum Khan, Digital Analytics Project Lead

Vancouver, Canada

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

Almost a year and a half.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

To celebrate the contributions women have made in this society to make this a better world to live in.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Marie Curie and Margaret Thatcher.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Rupi Kaur and Fatima Farheen Mirza.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Believe in yourself. Don't compare your struggles with others. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Over the years, I have grown as a person, both in my professional and personal life. Though now I am more carefree in letting go of relationships that bring toxicity in my life, I wish I had this courage when I was younger. This would have saved me from unnecessary stress and anxiety. :) 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Life looks very different for women in some parts of the world. In certain countries, girls do not have the right to education, let alone leave the house. Western society has come a long way and ascertained that women have the right to vote, to education, and to equal opportunities, but in other parts of the world women are still striving for basic rights. I want to see every girl have the right to education and the right to make decisions about her own life.


Marcela Angeles Group Creative Director

Juarez, México

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

5 years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

A reminder that there is still a lot to do for women's rights.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Malala Yousafzai.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

The photojournalist Ami Vitale. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

You deserve to be where you are. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

I hope to see a close in the gender gap in advertising.


Susana Dueñas, Associate Creative Director

Juarez, México

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

5 years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

To raise awareness around the inequality that still persists between women and men.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Frida Kahlo.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Jessica Walsh.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Never settle, always speak your mind.

What advice would you give your younger self?

You are right to feel uncomfortable with certain actions—find out why.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

One day, I hope to be part of a team with 50% women and 50% men.


Amaya Martínez, Account Lead 

Mexico City, Mexico 

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

2.6 years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

It symbolizes the fight and resilience women have had throughout the years. 

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

Speak up, keep your head up high, study and be well-prepared for what may come. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

You're doing great. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, keep up the hard work and results will come your way. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Enough self-confidence to truly believe they can do it all, because we can.


Kris Biti, Head of Growth Operations, APAC


I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

5.5 Years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

A celebration of how far we've come and how much we still need to do. 

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Corazon Aquino, the 11th president of the Philippines. She was the first female president of the Philippines. As president, Aquino oversaw the drafting of the 1987 Constitution, which limited the powers of the presidency and re-established the bicameral Congress, successfully removing the previous dictatorial government structure.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Marina Abramović, the OG performance artist. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

Speak up for yourself as well as for fellow women when they aren't in the room.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't take “no” for an answer.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Greater representation in the boardroom!


Vera Cvetkovic, VP Enterprise Consulting

Toronto, Canada

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

3+ years.  

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

Celebrating past and present accomplishments of women, while planning for the future. 

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Indira Gandhi.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Marina Abramović.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Believe in yourself. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don't worry, everything is going to be alright.  

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

More leadership roles.


Nada Nassar, Associate Creative Director


I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

One and a half years. 

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

Honoring women's contribution throughout history and contemporary society.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Maya Angelou and Nawal El Saadawi. 

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Yayoi Kusama and Sarah Bahbah.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Don't be afraid to use your voice and take up space. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Believe in yourself and your talent. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Significant progress in gender equality and women's empowerment.


Munas, van Boonstra, Managing Director, Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

1 year.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

For a very long time, women have fought for rights, equality, justice and fairness. This month is a massive reminder of how much women have progressed and a celebration of all the women who have historically fought for us to be where we are today—women that set precedents and changed the world.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Margaret Thatcher.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Oprah Winfrey.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Every single person can contribute towards changing the world, no matter how small the contribution.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Have no fear, speak up and speak out. Every little bit of positive change is a step forward.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

That 50% of senior leaders are women.


Emma Cunningham, Senior Copywriter

Los Angeles, California

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

9 months.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

I believe it's not only a time to celebrate the underrepresented gender, but also a month dedicated to reflecting on the often-overlooked contributions of women in our country's history.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

As a writer, I'm very inspired by the words of Maya Angelou.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

One of my great friends currently makes the most stunning ceramics using elements from the earth out of her home in Topanga! I love using her mugs and bowls for breakfast to start my day. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

If there’s even one bone in your body that wants to travel or a desire that needs to be explored, do it. Solo travel as a female has allowed me to learn so much about myself and the world. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

You cannot be everywhere and have everything. Learn to make the right choices and commit to the things and the people that matter most.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

That rights to bodily autonomy be restored and protected forever.


Rebecca Harbick, Copywriter


I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

4 years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

It means educating myself more on the fight for gender equality in all parts of the world. 

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Rosalind Franklin. She was central to the study and discovery of the DNA molecule, yet her efforts were largely overshadowed by the men who worked with her. She never got due credit for her work during her lifetime—in my studies as a biology undergraduate, she was the first spark that prompted me to think more about the treatment of women in history.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, who is a non-binary author and cosmologist.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Find your voice early and take up space, because no one will hand it to you. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

You have something to contribute. You don't have to just float through life thinking you have nothing important to give to the world.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

There's so much that's wrong with the world and a lot of it starts at the very top. I want to see more women world leaders so we can make top-down change.


Asma Hashmi, Junior Salesforce Developer


I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

1 year.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

To me, it does not mean raising a banner and going out on the roads for women's marches. Rather, this month is about celebrating the great women whose lives have become a sign of inspiration—not only for women but also for men.

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

The Pakistani novelist and playwright Bano Qudsia.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Muniba Mazari, who is not only the National Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women Pakistan, but also a motivational speaker, artist, and TV host.

What advice would you share with younger women?

First, be a trendsetter, not a trend follower. Second, accept yourself the way you are. Third, get to know yourself first, and then the world will get to know you. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

Learn to let things go, make yourself a priority, and never give up as this is not an option. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Follow your dreams, this is the number one goal every woman should set.


Ali Beisbier, Motion Designer

Los Angeles, California

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

I’ve been with Cashmere for almost 20 months!

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

It’s a time when women finally get the recognition they deserve. It hurts because it feels like people are obligated to do so during this month, but then tend to forget about it the rest of the year…But any recognition for women is good, so I’ll take it!

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Maya Angelou.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Maylee Mouse.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Learned submissiveness is something you can unlearn. Don’t be afraid to speak louder than the men. Don’t be anxious to speak your mind and stick to your opinions. Your voice matters!

What advice would you give your younger self?

Take a dang compliment! ? You are talented and you matter.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Roe v. Wade part 2—I just want other people’s hands OFF our bodies.


Susan Parker, Executive Creative Director

San Francisco, California

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

4+ years.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

A reminder that the status quo is not a mandate. It takes a lot of energy to make change, but it can be done—and it has been done!

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Julia Child. She had a love of learning and shared that with others. She was strong-willed, and followed her passion.

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

Iris Apfel. She has a style all her own and doesn't bow to other people's ideas of career, fashion and age.

What advice would you share with younger women?

Ask for what you're worth, not what you think you'll get.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Use more sunscreen and worry less. It'll all be fine.

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Run the world. More Jacinda Arderns, please.


Alla Arutcheva, Senior Copywriter 

Los Angeles, California

I’ve been with Media.Monks for: 

9 months.

What does Women's History Month mean to you?

Paying homage to the women who paved the way for us. 

Who is a historical figure in women's history that inspires you?

Anne Lister (also known as Gentleman Jack). 

Who is a woman creator/artist that you are currently loving?

King Princess. 

What advice would you share with younger women?

Seek mentors and mentees. There is so much to learn from each other's experiences. AND be sure to make room for everyone at the table. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

You'll find your tribe when you're true to yourself. 

What do you hope to see women accomplish in the next 5 years?

Close the wage gap and see more female creative leadership in advertising.


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