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Pacco da Su • Supporting a Call of Duty Launch with Local Italian Flavor

  • Client


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    Social CampaignsStudioOriginal Content




Case Study



  • 3.8M Interactions
  • +2.3M earned organic impressions
  • +660K earned organic engagement
  • 113 Articles
  • 99.9% positive sentiment

Making a tactical insertion within a highly saturated market.

Activision is one of the world’s largest video game publishers, boasting an iconic lineup of beloved titles and franchises. Among these is the Call of Duty series, which spans games, merchandise and even its own esports league. But despite being a paragon of the competitive first-person shooting genre, the series today faces a highly saturated market and a shift in favor toward exclusively online live-service games.

To drive interest in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III—the latest entry in a reboot of one of the most beloved titles in the series—Activision sought a way to regain the spotlight with its Italian audience. We solved this challenge through a culturally focused social campaign strategy and original content that humanized the game’s cast and built interest in its narrative by playing off of the uniquely Italian “pacco da giù” custom.

In the background you see an airport setting with the back of the plain. In front of it a package with the copy 'Pacco Da Su' on top of the image.
A dark setting of a kitchen table. on that tabel is a dark chest with the name 'John' written on it.

An authentic, local spin on an internationally acclaimed title.

Italians have a phrase, “pacco da giù,” meaning “package from below.” Its meaning derives from a point of mass migration from the south to the north, when southern families would send their emigrating children packages of goods and delicacies from home. In the age of social media, the phrase took on a new meaning as university students shared their own packages they received from home to their followers.

Meanwhile in Call of Duty, players receive supply crates delivered by air, or a “pacco da su”—the exact opposite of the popular Italian custom-turned-meme. From this insight, we put a local spin on the game’s world by portraying the characters’ mothers as they prepare care packages for their kids readying for battle, to be sent from above via parachute. We further built relevance with our audience by enlisting Giorgione, a popular (and humorously foul-mouthed) chef, to help the mothers prepare their packages.

A Local Twist on a Global Game

  • A letter seen from above with a script typed on top of it.
  • Hands that are putting a big ham on a wooden plank on a kitchen table.

A well-crafted balance between humor and the series’ trademark tone.

While the campaign was designed to portray the series in a surprising and unexpected way, it still needed to make sense to the series. At the start of the film production process, we studied the look and feel of the game to ensure the resulting film would feel authentic, even if a little silly. Photography and set design worked together so that the world felt immediately recognizable to the audience, immersing them within the narrative. But the big star of the campaign was the box itself, meant to serve as the pacco da su, which we built from scratch with care.




A new meta for video game marketing.

We successfully raised awareness of the game in the week ahead of its launch, inspiring organic media that immediately gained traction. Influencers, fans, and Giorgione himself reshared the content, further driving reach and engagement among Call of Duty’s dedicated fans and beyond. In addition to simply raising awareness, the original content struck a personal connection between audiences and the game’s cast, stoking interest in the single-player narrative in addition to its online gameplay.

Dark setting with a opened chest on the table. A man in dungarees stading behind a tabl spreading his hands wide open

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