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Mobile phone mockup that shows the result that 15,5 Million people are LGBTQ+ in Brazil
Two feet with a short bit of red pants showing. Wearing Haivaianas Pride flip flops
Two people wearing Havaianas pride flip flops. Only the legs and feet are visible. On the white floor there are flip flops scattered around them

Pride Research • Reinforcing commitment to the LGBT+ community

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Case Study


A brand that embodies the Brazilian spirit and inspires change.

The iconic footwear brand Havaianas is on a mission to bring more lightness, color and comfort to people's lives—a goal that inspired the brand to strengthen its commitment to the LGBT+ community by donating 7% of its Pride product sales to the cause since 2020. But when the Brazilian government excluded information about sexual orientation and gender identity from its census, Havaianas was inspired to strengthen its commitment to the community and public good.

Realizing that the lack of data made it difficult to advocate for policies and resources needed to support the LGBT+ Brazilians, the brand took on an ambitious initiative as part of its Pride platform: a national survey that sought to bring visibility to the community. We were responsible for the strategy, concept and creative execution of the idea, ensuring the needs of the community were shared with color and flair.

Havaianas flip flop ad with people holding each other

Seeking visibility for a forgotten community.

In partnership with Brazil's most reliable research institute, DataFolha, and All Out, a global non-profit focused on political advocacy for LGBT+ people, Havaianas spent eight months traveling to over 150 cities to cover all regions of the Brazilian territory. This journey resulted in a comprehensive 78-page report, filled with valuable information about the needs, insecurities, family and workplace relationships, of the community—and most importantly, how many Brazilians identify as LGBT+. For the first time in history, over 15.5 million Brazilians identified with the community, which is five times higher than the government's official data of 2.9 million.

Havaianas flip flop ad in rainbow colors

Mapping everyday realities for the LGBT+ community.

The team began by carrying out numerous online interviews that covered topics relevant to the LGBT+ community. Following the thorough analysis of that data, the team conducted three waves of in-person interviews throughout densely populated areas. This data was then cross-referenced and collated into a comprehensive report. We launched the report through a beautifully designed, interactive web platform, a press conference and an out-of-home campaign that brought insights to strategic locations like universities, train stations and supermarkets.

A person holding havaianas flip flops in front of their face
A person holding havaianas flip flops in front of their face

Inspiring the efforts of other brands—and of the law.

The Pride Research project has become an essential resource for other brands seeking to launch their own projects in support for the LGBT+ community. Report data is inspiring Ben & Jerry’s development of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives; +Diversidade is likewise using the data to assist their clients in the creation of DE&I programs. Burger King drew from the data in their own campaigns, and the São Paulo Pride Parade shaped the theme of the 2023 Pride Parade based on the report’s insights. 

But owing back to the idea that inspired the project—a lack of government acknowledgement of the community—All Out is using the report’s findings to advocate for affirmative programs with the government, and Congressman Fabio Felix has leaned on the data to drive progressive legislation. Through these efforts, Havaianas has truly made an impact in its steps toward bringing color to people’s lives—including the LGBT+ community.


  • 1M USD in earned media
  • 160 press publications with 100% positive NPS
  • 14M impressions in the first week alone
  • +8 point increase in perception of "inclusive brand that values diversity"
  • 13M reached through DOOH, with over 533,000 impressions
  • 2x Cannes Lions

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